Léon to Somotillo:

Statistics for today
Distance 117.55 kms 73.32 miles
Climbed 372 meters 1,220 feet
Ride time (hours) 5.89 -
Avg speed 19.9 kph -
Avg climb 1% -
Max grade 5% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 17,902.68 kms 11,124.41 miles
Climbed 203,891 meters 668,934 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,346.60 -
On this page

Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

I was up early enough but for some reason I didn’t get on the road until 9:30. Another hot highway ride for a change of pace. Pretty flat and with a decent surface. A guy rode along with me for 10k leaving León. He wanted to know all about the trip. I stopped in Chinandega for a deliciously cold fruit frappe. Other than that not much news… when I got near to Somotillo the immigration pólice stopped me for a Passport check. I didn’t want to tackle the border crossing with only an hour of daylight left so I got a room at a cheap hotel. I showered and was just going to lay down for a minute, next thing I knew it was 7pm. I went out for a grilled steak dinner then retired early to the hotel. Tomorrow will be Honduras. It’s difficult to manage the currency situation in these small countries. I got out of Costa Rica with nothing left over but this time I have a bunch of Nicaraguan córdobas. Hopefully I’ll be able to change them at the border tomorrow.

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"Nicaragua will be free as long as she has children that love her." - Augusto Sandino
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The back rack is broken on both sides now.