Tepic to Tecuala: down to sea level

Statistics for today
Distance 134.28 kms 83.26 miles
Climbed 645 meters 2,116 feet
Ride time (hours) 7.48 -
Avg speed 17.9 kph -
Avg climb 2% -
Max grade 7% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 22,069.96 kms 13,713.66 miles
Climbed 240,814 meters 790,072 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,587.10 -
On this page

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

I went back for breakfast to the same place where I had dinner yesterday knowing the food was good and the wifi was fast. Unfortunately I missed the trifecta because the cute waitress must have had Sunday morning off. 100 feet out the door of the hotel I realized that the axle was sliding left to right. On closer inspection I could see that the crank arm was coming loose. I tightened it down as hard as I could, this isn't the first time it has worked free on me, not sure if there could be a cause other than just not being tight enough. The splines look ok so I don't think it is stripping.

The first 30 or so kilometers out of Tepic involved a long downhill from about 900 meters to close to sea level. I was expecting more heat at the lower elevation but the strong headwinds from the ocean and some wispy clouds kept things reasonable. Just another highway kind of day, made bearable by mp3 player. There were no services to be had for a good 100 kilometers. At the end I was out of water and desperately hungry. A girl working at a toll booth told me the closest town was Tecuala and that it had several hotels. I cranked out the 5 kilometers as fast as I could because the sun was setting and the little flies were out in full force, gunking up my eyes when I finally was forced by the darkness to take off my sunglasses.

Once in Tecuala I dumped the bike in a hotel and made a straight line to the city square where I gorged myself on tostadas and agua de jamaica. After a trip to Farmacias Guadalajar for drinks and snacks I got a biónico for dessert.

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biónico for dessert: lots of different kinds of fruit covered in yogurt and the cereals of your choice.
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