San Vicente to 3kms north of El Sauzal: Urban death ride

Statistics for today
Distance 98.84 kms 61.52 miles
Climbed 881 meters 2,890 feet
Ride time (hours) 6.59 -
Avg speed 15 kph -
Avg climb 3% -
Max grade 8% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 23,722.82 kms 14,740.78 miles
Climbed 252,169 meters 827,326 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,696.25 -
On this page

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

I take my time getting going this morning. I have a huge breakfast at the restaurant attached to the motel before finally packing up and heading out. The day starts with a lot of climbing, something I really wasn’t expecting, and the omnipresent wind makes it a slog. There is no shoulder for most of the way which generates a few close calls with trucks and sons of loose women coming into my lane to pass each other. I have a few choice arm and hand gestures for them. A caravan of about 20 RV´s with US plates passes me.

In the afternoon I come out of the mountains to start a 30 kilometer urban death ride through Ensenada and its sprawl. Even though much of the road is two lanes there is so much traffic it doesn’t really help me out. No shoulder of course. A few times I have to bail out onto the sand. I stop at a Comex store and pick up a liter of white gas. I ride through the port area of Ensenada and briefly consider getting a motel but the area really doesn’t look interesting so I decide to keep on going towards Tijuana. After about 10k, right before the road turns into a cuota, I see a sign for camping on the beach. There is a guard who charges me 60 pesos and I set up on the beach before watching the sunset. It gets cold quickly after the sun goes down.

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Mountains in the morning.
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Stickers for baja motorcyle adventures are everywhere.
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City sprawl
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The Pacific again.
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A Carnival cruise ship I saw in Ensenada port, now heading out to sea. I hope everyone stocked up on Immodium.
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Sunset from the campsite