Gas station to Neiva: Short and fast ride to Neiva

Statistics for today
Distance 46.08 kms 28.58 miles
Climbed 176 meters 577 feet
Ride time (hours) 1.96 -
Avg speed 23.4 kph -
Avg climb 1% -
Max grade 5% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 13,343.55 kms 8,291.57 miles
Climbed 160,977 meters 528,140 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,064.87 -
On this page

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

After breakfast we flew into Neiva, covering the 46 kilometers in just under 2 hours. A joy to have some relatively flat road for the first time in what feels like forever. When the sun was out it was hot as hell.

Neiva feels pretty dodgy with lots of rough looking characters wandering around or passed out wherever they feel like it. We grabbed a hotel after asking a taxi driver where to find cheap places then set about doing chores. I couldn't find a laundry place so my stinking clothes will have to reek for a while longer. I did however find a good bike shop to strip and clean my hubs and the drive chain. My rear hub had been seizing up periodically since San Augustín. I watched them open it up and it was full of mud and dirty water. The wheels are now spinning like a dream and the gears are shifting smoothly.

Colombians can really talk... I'm about to go hoarse from all the conversations I've had with people today.

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Our own bike lane through the toll.
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Neiva. Note the people passed out on the bench. This town has some characters in it.
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Not exactly.
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I hope he gets a commission. He's advertising aphrodisiac peanuts, 50 cents a pop or 4 for $1.50.