Minister Creek Hiking Trail: a day off to camp and hike

Statistics for today
Distance 50 kms 31 miles
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 1,085 kms 674 miles
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Monday, July 3rd, 2017

I like this spot so much I decide to stay another night so that I can hike the Minister Creek Trail today. I'm a little nervous about leaving the motorcycle and most of my gear but I just have to trust if I want to get out and do stuff on this trip. I lock my bags under the wire mesh hoop I have for the back rack, lock my more valuable things in the motorcycles hard bags, then leave the rest of my stuff in the tent.

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A picture of the sign at the trailhead will serve as my guide. Anyone remember paper maps at this point? Strava flaked out one me, it didn't record the South Loop part that I did. Otherwise the blog page map matches up to this trail map.
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An old oil derrick in a very unexpected place: deep in the forest, on some level ground carved out of a steep hillside. It smelled of methane.

The hike is nice, steep at first, then rolling as it makes a loop around the Minister Creek Valley. The only people I see are at an overlook that has a view of the valley.

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Having a morning snack.
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The path goes through these small slot canyon-type passages.
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Minister Creek Overlook.

It would be pretty easy to get off track on this hike. There are paths branching off in many directions. I manage to follow along okay using the picture of the map on my phone and the blazes that intermittently mark the trail.

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Fern forest.
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Colorful fungus.
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Had to chase this little guy around for a while to get a picture.
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Not-so-colorful fungus.
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Garter snake.
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Caught mid-flight.

The hike ends up being 7 or 8 miles. A good workout. I get an even better workout collecting wood for tonight's fire. The area right around the campground has been picked clean so I have to hike up a steep hill to find anything good. I slip and slide around for a good hour building up a big stash, I have enough to keep the fire going for a good 6 hours. I spend the rest of the evening making dinner, fixing various things, and taking a swim in the ice-cold stream.

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Looks a lot like last night's dinner. In fact it is identical to last night's dinner. Can't be too finicky when camping.