Phitsanulok to Uttaradit: canal ride

Statistics for today
Distance 119.10 kms 73.94 miles
Ride time (hours) 6.22 -
Avg speed 19.1 kph -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 2,995.70 kms 1,861.63 miles
Ride time (hours) 157.65 -
On this page

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

I spy a canal from the highway and decide to check it out. The red clay path that runs along the canal provides a nice, relaxing ride devoid of traffic for most of the day on my way to Uttaradit. I see another big monitor lizard but I can't get a photo. They are too fast once they realize I'm there.

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Leaving Phitsanoluk, crossing a river that runs north of the city.
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I ride a path along a canal heading north for a good part of the day. Packed clay, decent riding surface except for a few areas that are still wet from yesterday's rain.
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Endless rice paddies.
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Colors to match.
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I think this is a kind of heron, like the egrets they like to hang out in the ride paddies that are flooded.

When the canal starts to veer off to the northeast I get back on a road for the usual rice paddy ride: hot and flat. 30k of that gets me to the city.

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Plowing a paddy.
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The egrets love the paddies that have just been flooded. It must make grubs or something rise to the surface.

Late in the afternoon I check into my hotel in Uttaradit, a decent place for the price; and it's set back enough from the downtown area to be quiet. I saw an advertisement for pizza when I was riding into town that I just can't forget. I have to have my pizza so I ride back a couple of kilometers at night to get it. It's worth it. Quite expensive by Thailand standards but sometimes price is no object. On the way back to the hotel I stop for my second dinner of sausage, ginger, cabbage, and chile at an outdoor market.

80 meters of climbing according to Strava.