Mocoa to San Juan de Villalobos: Couldn't have gotten more wet if I had jumped in a lake

Statistics for today
Distance 66.38 kms 41.01 miles
Climbed 1,719 meters 5,640 feet
Ride time (hours) 5.14 -
Avg speed 12.9 kph -
Avg climb 4% -
Max grade 10% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 13,017.23 kms 8,088.39 miles
Climbed 156,949 meters 514,925 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,047.49 -
On this page

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

After breakfast we took a walk around in the rain looking for a bike shop. Nobody had a welding setup and the directions we were getting to find a welder's were not too precise so Phil decided to continue on with his broken rack. After more questions from the ladies working at the hotel we hit the road for a thorough soaking. By 10 kilometers after Mocoa I was sopping wet in spite of poncho and other lame attempts at keeping dry... it would stay like this for the rest of the day with severe downpours followed by prolonged drizzles.

We stopped at a roadside place at midday for coffee and made some tuna sandwiches. It was tough to get back on the road being soaking wet, I didn't want to make any move from my chair that would make me feel the cold, wet clothes I was wearing. More rain and climbing before we finally rolled into San Juan de Villalobos where we grabbed a hotel room for short money. There was a heavy military presence in this town. The soldiers are toting big assault rifles with grenade launchers attached to them. They came into the hotel to check the papers of some of the truckers who had just arrived but they didn't ask us for anything, we just had a few jokes about the rain and our wet and dirty bikes. We stuffed our faces at the restaurant next door before retiring for the night.

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The rivers are a' raging.
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House on stilts.
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Lots of road crews were out trying to clear these mudslides. They were struggling to keep up.
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Wet and grumpy.
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Old school.