Au Fin Fond du Lot to Avignonet-Lauragais: long day on the canals

Statistics for today
Distance 160.00 kms 99.42 miles
Climbed 568 meters 1,864 feet
Ride time (hours) 7.44 -
Avg speed 21.4 kph -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 457.46 kms 283.97 miles
Climbed 1,944 meters 6,378 feet
Ride time (hours) 24.54 -
On this page

Monday, December 10th, 2018

I ate so much the last few days I feel a bit queasy this morning getting on the bicycle. I know I only have a few hours of hills before I get to the flat canal paths so I'm not too worried about it.

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The sky is a grim gray with the occasional sprinkle. Not too cold, I'm lucky to have such weather in the winter.

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I never get tired of these.
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Syncrhonized migration.
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In Moissac I stop for a coffee. From here on out I'll be on the canal paths for the rest of the day. I roll out of the town properly caffeinated for a mindless auto-pilot ride for the rest of the afternoon.

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Moissac (coffee stop)
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Toulouse has good graffiti.

I reach the center of Toulouse around 3pm. With 120km already under my belt and a couple of hours of daylight to go, it's looking good for a big mileage day. I pick up some supplies for dinner. I plan on camping near the same écluse I staye at on the way up.

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Toulouse train station.
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I was a litte too optimistic about my energy levels: at 5pm I'm bonking but I've still got 10 kilometers to go to make the pond across from Avignonet-Laragais. My right knee is feeling strained, I'm tired, I'm hungry; I just want it to be over with. There's no good camping spots here though so I just suck it up and grind on.

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Running out of daylight, another 10k to my campsite.

At last I reach the pond at dusk. I already know the spot where I want to camp so there isn't too much fumbling around. I throw up the tent, jump inside and make dinner. The temperatures drop precipitously after nightfall. I'm satisfied with my 160km effort on this short winter day; well-positioned to make Narbonne by tomorrow night.