Túnel Angostura to Santiago: City ride

Statistics for today
Distance 82.54 kms 51.57 miles
Climbed 377 meters 1,237 feet
Ride time (hours) 5.01 -
Avg speed 16.4 kph -
Avg climb 1% -
Max grade 7% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 3,294.75 kms 2,047.42 miles
Climbed 33,966 meters 111,437 feet
Ride time (hours) 252.92 -
On this page

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

As soon as the sun came over the mountains to the east, around 9am, it was hot and would stay that way for the rest of the day. I got back on the highway and continued towards Santiago. There were signs everywhere saying no bicycles, including flashing neon lights, so after about 30 kms of that I figured I was pushing my luck and got off the highway. The rest of the way into the city center was urban death riding. Competing with busses, taxis, pedestrians, and trying to avoid the plethora of puncture-causing junk on the road. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I had no particular destination in Santiago, I just headed for Providencia because that is where I had stayed before. I stopped at a café that had WiFi to look up some possibilities for accommodations. One place sounded really good but I couldn't find it. I ended up going to a neighborhood I knew and just rode up and down a few streets until I found a hostel for a reasonable price (given that it's a big city). My legs were black with grime from the city ride... I hopped in the shower first thing, then I brought my laundry to a place down the street. 3pm delivery tomorrow was the best I could get from them. Ok I guess, I need to take the day off tomorrow anyways to get some other things done. They charged me a ridiculous amount though, the most I've ever paid to have laundry done.

I had a big salad for dinner to try and compensate for not eating so well the last few days. I felt a lot better afterwards...

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Urban scene.