10k east of Quiruvilca to Huamachuco: Half day

Statistics for today
Distance 46.34 kms 28.58 miles
Climbed 351 meters 1,152 feet
Ride time (hours) 3.50 -
Avg speed 13.1 kph -
Avg climb 3% -
Max grade 9% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 10,809.56 kms 6,717.02 miles
Climbed 114,987 meters 377,254 feet
Ride time (hours) 854.16 -
On this page

Saturday, May 25th, 2013

I had a clear view to the east so the sunrise warmed things up quickly in the morning. It actually warmed up overnight, strange but I'm not complaining, it would have been really freezing if the trend at sunset had continued.

I packed up and started negotiating the roller coaster before a long descent from 4,200 down to 3,100. There are some huge mines in this area. I stopped near one for a nasty cup of coffee (Nescafé). I rolled into Huamachuco around 11:30 and decided to get a room because I needed to stock up on supplies and work on the bicycle a bit. The hostal where I went was cheap but barely up to Bolivian standards...

I went to the market for lunch and had a chat with a guy selling lottery tickets. He told me that there was a general strike starting tomorrow in Huamachuco and that I had better get out early because absolutely nothing would be open. No big deal, I wasn't planning on staying here, but I guess a hot breakfast will be out of the question. After shopping in the market I adjusted the cables of both derailleurs (they were acting up) and took a short nap. I went to an internet place that has ridiculously fast speed, not what I expected deep in the Peruvian mountains. It looks like there is money in this town, it must be from the mines, maybe they sprang for fiber optic as well.

I'll be heading towards Cajamarca tomorrow... a Jehova's witness (how do they always find me?) told me that the road is pretty tough, all ripio with lots of climbing.

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Huamachuco central square
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The rain and hail are back, glad I decided to get a room.