Amherst, Ohio to Jackson, Michigan: into Michigan

Statistics for today
Distance 306 kms 190 miles
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 1,774 kms 1,102 miles
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Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

I throw my laundry in the machines downstairs and go for breakfast at "Bob Evans" down the street from the motel. For all intents and purposes "Bob Evans" is Denny's by another name. Hot again today, I'm back on the highway after my laundry is dried and folded.

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The glamorous life, day 7: doing laundry at a Motel 6 in Ohio.
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Kayaker going under a bridge in Vermilion, Ohio.
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Vermilion marina.
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Lake Erie.
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That's Cedar Point amusement park out there. They would appear to have a bunch of roller coasters.

I ride along the coast for a good part of the morning but it takes some work. I get myself into dead ends a couple of times, have to backtrack, then it looks like I've got no choice but a major road. I stay on it even when other options open up, I want to make some distance today. I see there is an REI in Ann Arbor, Michigan; I make that my interim destination.

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Nuclear power plant.

What I see of Toledo is run-down. I don't stick around to find any prettier parts. From here I pick up a highway heading north into Michigan. I get off near the Ohio-Michigan border in hopes of coming across a state welcome sign but as it turns out the back road I'm on doesn't have one. Oh well, highway again.

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"Still dreaming"... mural in Toledo, Ohio.

I pick up an interstate going through Ann Arbor. I find the REI, buy my MSR stove rebuild kit, then back on the highway. Around about Jackson, MI I'm feeling tired so I stop for a motel. That evening I meet a guy named Bob who tells me about his coming trip to Quebec. I fill him in on what I know about Sherbrooke. He has a high-school buddy who ended up there (how many Americans wind up living in Sherbrooke, Quebec of all places?). It's a nice town, I like it, but I wouldn't want to live there permanently.

I crash early back in the motel. Tomorrow I hope to see some of that Lake Michigan coast I've been told about.