Koh Lanta to Pakmeng Beach: one great sunset to another, highway in between

Statistics for today
Distance 110.30 kms 68.35 miles
Ride time (hours) 5.45 -
Avg speed 19.5 kph -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 1,485.30 kms 922.74 miles
Ride time (hours) 75.99 -
On this page

Friday, December 16th, 2016

Time to get off the island and make progress south. Unfortunately I've got a long stretch of highway to grind out before I can get off towards the coast while still making progress. I end up in Pakmeng beach for the night where I'm treated to another amazing sunset.

Pack up and go, no breakfast at the hotel, I stop at a French bakery which is quite pathetic despite being run by actual French people. I send back my rubbery croque-monsieur twice to get it warm enough to eat. After that it's a hot ride back up the island to the ferry. A French woman pulls up beside me on her scooter (with her two kids, one in front, one in back). She says she lives on an "eco-farm", married to a Thai man, been here for 10 years.

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Morning view.
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Nice 'do.
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Almost all the women are wearing head scarves. No veils or burkhas though.
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Crossing back over the bridge between the two Koh Lanta islands. Looking west.

I shoot the breeze with a guy on the ferry. He wants to know all about where I've been in Thailand. He's a Koh-Lanta native, lived there his whole life, says he hates to leave the island but he has to for work.

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Many of the trucks/vans have these Michelin Men dolls attached.
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Interesting how all the street vendors in a given area sell the same thing. Here I am in dried fish zone.
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I get onto the back roads as soon as I can, heading for a beach. I get a place where they inexplicably upgrade me to a nicer room. No complaints. I drop my stuff and head for the beach. The tide is too low for a swim but the view is fantastic. I'm treated to an exceptional sunset.

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Cool shells.
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Sunset, Pakmeng Beach
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I haven't been seeing guava lately so my new favorite snack is stuff filled with taro. Very tasty.
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I'm taking the long way home. Sunset, Pakmeng beach.

I have dinner at a restaurant on the beach but I can't really enjoy it because I get massacred by mosquitos. I suspected I was in trouble when the waitress brought out a mosquito coil as soon as I sat down...