Sanxing to Taipei: End of the road

Statistics for today
Distance 21.80 kms 13.67 miles
Ride time (hours) 1.58 -
Avg speed 13.8 kph -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 1,255.50 kms 780.44 miles
Ride time (hours) 68.37 -
On this page

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

Last day on the road, the weather is turning and I need to get back to Taipei. Short ride to Luodong where I catch the local train to Songshan Station. I came to Sanxing to set myself up for another ride into the mountains; but this morning, faced with the prospect of a couple wet days of climbing and leaving myself little time to get things done in Taipei, I decide to pack it in.

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The view from my room this morning.
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Following a bike path along the river east to Luodong.
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Cool bridge over the Annong River.
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Everyone's following the mower to pick up some goodies.
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The level of trust in Taiwan is amazing. A woman sitting next to me at a Starbucks in Luodong got up to go to the bathroom, leaving her wallet on the table. People do stuff like this here all the time.
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My bike on the train. The shoulder strap for my rack bag secures it nicely.
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The old and the new.
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Another tourer, a woman who rode from Keelung to Yilan, now taking the train back to Keelung.
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Arrival in Taipei. The Taipei 101 Tower is my beacon: home is just around the bend.