Saint-Martin-Lalande to Narbonne : last day

Statistics for today
Distance 116.00 kms 72.08 miles
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 4,328.86 kms 2,689.92 miles
On this page

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

A nice French couple from Normandy give me bread and yoghurt at the campground when they see my paltry breakfast. They are retired, have just bought a camping-car, and are off to explore Europe. Sounds like a fun retirement to me (why wait for retirement?!). Today will be easy: I've got the wind at my back, all I have to do is follow the canal right into Narbonne where a bed and a hot shower await me. Good thing because I'm feeling exhausted, I probably overdid it crossing the mountains so soon after having been so sick in Tarrega. I've lost about 10 pounds on this trip. 10 pounds I really didn't need to lose...

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Repacking all my stuff for the flight back to Berlin.
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Brad and Tap, "I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die".
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Watching them play.

This chapter is complete. Back in Germany to finish some work then I'm off to the U.S. for my next adventure...

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Streuselschnecke, back in Germany.