Jüdenberg to Munich, Germany: Escape from the rain

Statistics for today
Distance 229 kms 142 miles
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 15,640 kms 9,718 miles
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Monday, August 22nd, 2005

It's raining hard in the morning. I don't care, I've had enough of Jüdenburg. I hear on the radio that there is all kinds of flooding in the area I'm in. On the way up towards Innsbruck the rivers are raging and the fields are flooded. Glad to get on the highway which is relatively clear. I decide to head for Munich to wait out the rain because the forecast is grim for the next couple of days.

Pick up an autobahnvignette on the way out of town for 4 Euros 30. At least in Austria they let you buy one for 10 days instead of for the whole year like Switzerland. Yugoslavian guys at a rest stop get into a fight with the cashier. The cashier tells them to leave then gives me their coffee that they hadn't paid for yet. The whole argument was about the size of an espresso. The Yugo guys think it is supposed to be a full cup. Pension Frank in Munich, zwei Nachte 90 Euros. Bien mange resto italian 10 Euros. Oberlanderstrasse meet a Canadian and talk for a while about mid-life crises. He makes documentaries and lives in Munich.

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Toll stickers. Austria's is in the middle.

August 23

Today is my belly-button birthday. Still raining hard so I spend it at the museum for modern art Pinakothek der Moderne, lots of cool stuff, Warhol exhibit, mechanical exhibit with old BMW motorcycles. Catch up on paperwork and internet, phone calls.