Avignonet-Lauragais to Narbonne: Last day

Statistics for today
Distance 118.32 kms 73.32 miles
Climbed 496 meters 1,627 feet
Ride time (hours) 5.36 -
Avg speed 22 kph -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 575.78 kms 357.91 miles
Climbed 2,440 meters 8,005 feet
Ride time (hours) 29.90 -
On this page

Tuesday, December 11th, 2018

Another sopping wet tent to wrap up and stuff into the bag this morning. The thought of coffee and a warm croissant keeps me motivated while I shiver in this pre-dawn fog.

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Cold, humid, foggy on the canal this morning.

I'm crushed to find out that the bakery in Avignonet is closed on Wednesdays... I suspect I have a long ride ahead of me before I find one that's open. At least I'm being treated to a beautiful sunrise through the fog as I make my way east on the départementale towards Castelnaudary. The canal path is too muddy to tackle today; it will have to be pure pavement all the way to Narbonne if I want to stay relatively clean.

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The sun is struggling to burn off this fog.
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The chain is skipping on the cassette. A cursory inspection doesn't reveal anything obviously wrong, I'm in too much of a hurry to get home to spend the time to figure it out. I'll deal with it tomorrow.

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The Pyrénées to the south.
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I finally get my coffee and croissant in Castelnaudary about 50km into my day. A couple of junkies are causing a ruckus at the bakery. I keep a close eye on my luggage.

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The basin at Castelnaudary
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You're looking quite French there with your baguette.

After Castelnaudary I put my head down and ride hard. The towns march by: Bram, Villseuquelande, Carcassonne, Trebes... I've done this ride so many times I'm just cruising on autopilot. The Tramontane (northwest wind) isn't blowing hard today, but it's strong enough to give me a helpful push in the back.

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The French Foreign Legion out for drills on the lawn.
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Suprised a hawk hunting in the vineyards.
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Working on the canal near Carcassonne.
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The recent flooding has left plastic bags in the trees along the Aude river.
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Arrived home in Narbonne with plenty of sunlight to spare.

I roll into Narbonne in the late afternoon. The bike gets left fully loaded in the kitchen. I hop in the shower, make dinner, and jump into my nice warm bed. There will time for sorting out the gear tomorrow.